Cardenxe Sotol all started with three friends, on a journey to discover the near-extinct Canto Cardenche, a musical genre endemic to Northern Mexico. The central themes of the songs are love and sorrow, which is why it lends the name from the cactus cardenche. The songs are not based on a story, rather they describe deep emotions - deep as the cardenche spine pinned into the skin.
4 products
─ Behind the Brand ─
About Cardenxe
Cardenxe Sotol is a terroir-inspired premium craft spirit, distilled from the heart of the Dasylirion plant, in Northern Mexico - where it holds a Denomination of Origin. Each label honors a different environment in which the plants are grown. Different winds & soil, methods, cultures and climates influence the sotol, and as such Cardenxe aims to explore the unique profiles of each region.